2016年12月2日1,326 View

[Photo Report] Bulldog Meetup in Hawaii Kai, April 2017

Bulldogs are known to easily overheat. Some of you might wonder if Bulldogs’ lives in a tropical island like Oahu would be terrible. In fact, bulldogs here in Hawaii are pretty much enjoying their lives with their humans. One of the fun parts of being on Oahu is going to the Hawaii Bulldog Meetup. Here’s a photo report of a meetup on April 23rd where we brought our Frenchie siblings Charlotte and Duke.

E komo mai (welcome) to the Bulldog Meetup Hawaii! It was held at Hawaii Kai Dog Park, located on the East side of Oahu Island.

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Many Friendly Frenchies there!

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She was doing something that shouldn’t be photographed… Oops!



We met a couple with super cute matching Frenchie Tshirts. They are the parents of a Frenchie named Mochi. IG: mochikahuna 

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(Sorry, Mochi! We were focusing on your parents’ shirts so much forgot to take a picture of you… Maybe next time!)


This is Mame, a one and a half year old Shorty Bull. IG: princess.mame.shortybull 

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Of course, there are some English Bulldogs too. It’s a Bulldog Meetup, after all.

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They know how to chill.

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This is our Frenchie Duke looking for new friends.

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Here’s Duke's big sister Charlotte, who loves fetch even at a meetup where she can play with other dogs. IG: charlotte_and_duke 

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She was waiting for her daddy to throw a ball.


Duke made a new friend. His name is Walter, a Frenchie puppy who is cute as a button.

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On the right, Duke is sniffing his bro, whose name is also Duke. IG: alohaduke_ 

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And here is today’s birthday girl Mia! She turned 1 year old the Tuesday after this meetup.

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Happy birthday, Mia! You look like a real princess!


Mia’s mom Mariana brought a big cake to celebrate Mia’s birthday. (Thanks for sharing, this cake was so yummy!)

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Duke was so into the cake…

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So was Charlotte…

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Finally, we took a picture all together and our fun meetup finished full of laughter and smile. Thank you all, see you at the next meetup!


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We are a Bulldog Ohana (family)!


Want to get more updates about our Bulldog Meetups? Follow them!: igbulldogs_oahu



